Wednesday, April 15, 2009

26 Questions for Accountability

I am often asked what sort of things friends in accountability might ask of one another. Having found little if any helpful literature on this subject, I put together a list of twenty-six questions, some of which friends might wish to consider if this personal defence initiative is to be effective.

  1. How is your relationship with God right now?
  2. What have you read in the Bible in the past week?
  3. What has God said to you in this reading?
  4. Where do you find yourself resisting Him these days?
  5. What specific things are you praying for in regard to others?
  6. What specific things are you praying for in regard to yourself?
  7. What are the specific tasks facing you right now that you consider incomplete?
  8. What habits intimidate you?
  9. What have you read in the secular press this week?
  10. What general reading are you doing?
  11. What have you done to play?
  12. How are you with your spouse? Kids?
  13. If I were to ask your spouse about your state of mind, state of spirit, state of energy level, what would the response?
  14. Are you sensing any spiritual attacks from the enemy right now?
  15. If Satan were to try to invalidate you as a person or as a servant of the Lord, how might he do it?
  16. What is the state of your sexual perspective? Tempted? Dealing with fantasies? Entertainment?
  17. Where are you financially right now? (things under control? under anxiety? in great debt?)
  18. Are there any unresolved conflicts in your circle of relationships right now?
  19. When was the last time you spent time with a good friend of your own gender?
  20. What kind of time have you spent with anyone who is a non-Christian this past month?
  21. What challenges do you think you're going to face in the coming week? Month?
  22. What would you say are your fears at this present time?
  23. Are you sleeping well?
  24. What three things are you most thankful for?
  25. Do you like yourself at this point in your pilgrimage?
  26. What are your greatest confusions about your relationship with God?
Never before have I been more convinced that adult Christians need to form personal friendships with those sharing our commitments and values. And yet whenever I have talked about this, people- especially men-have acknowledged that they have no relationship quite as intimate as what I'm describing.

Extracted from Gordon Macdonald's Rebuilding Your Broken World

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